dgtl fmnsm deals with the emancipatory opportunities offered by technology and feminism. dgtl fmnsm features performances, videos, the visual arts, room-sized installations, discourse and workshops – online and IRL. We cooperate with clubs and independent queer feminist groups and artists.
dgtl fmnsm is a feature request for more radical thinking on the routine involvement of digital technologies in a culture currently dominated by the media. The look and theory of their entertaining art interventions involve participants using their bodies as a meaningful form of expression in a world that is changing course in the light of digital technologies, online culture and political necessity.
The international network dgtl fmnsm has been presenting feminist, queer and tec-positive perspectives on technology narratives in interdisciplinary installations since 2016. Aesthetic and theoretical actors are involved in the interventions, using in particular their bodies as means of expression in the context of an elusive present between digital technology, net culture and political necessity. In dgtl fmnsm's projects, feminist artists, activists and scientists work on an interface connecting visual art, performance and social discourse, which the audience can experience in dynamic surroundings.
The thematic cycle »Disconnect«
Since 2016, the collective dgtl fmnsm has been using online and offline formats to address the virtual potentials that lie in the contemporary performing arts and imagine what a theatre of the future might look like in digitalised societies. Following the thematic focus on »Intimacy«, dgtl fmnsm recently focused on the thematic complex »Disconnect« with an immersive installation in HELLERAU in November 2019, and an online festival at Hebbel am Ufer Berlin (HAU) in March 2020, albeit without being able to foresee how (sur-)real these specific questions would become in 2020 in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The thematic cycle »Disconnect« will conclude with a one-month online residency programme at www.digitalfeminism.net. From June 26th to July 23th 2020, artists and networks from various fields are invited to a one-week website takeover.
dgtl fmnsm #disconnect LAB, [23. + 24.11.2019]
The laboratory #disconnect invites you to break the strict separation between show, conference and plenum. Under the slogan #disconnect, dgtl fmsnm explores the social and cultural conditions of radical digitalization – in performative and participative arrangements between music, performance, activism and science. The audience is invited to linger and experience the theme in different dimensions, states of aggregation, art forms and formats.
»dgtl fmnsm #disconnect LAB« is a project of dgtl fmnsm & HELLERAU and is funded by the Alliance of International Production Houses with funds of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
Lyra Pramuk is presented by the CYNETART Festival as a contribution of the SHAPE platform.
SHAPE platform is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
dgtl fmnsm #disconnect HOT MESS virus version [20.03.+27.03.2020]
free online festival as part of Spy on Me #2 Festival @ HAU2 (Hebbel am Ufer).
The episode HOT MESS is an interactive installation that refers to the often chaotic order of our desktops, our digital desks, our thought palaces and frivolous filing systems. All the data, the documents, the suffering and joy, the private and the public, these complex overlapping worlds, are hidden behind small symbols, permeating us as hyper-individualized beings in capitalist work and life cultures. HOT MESS attempts a loving and critical devotion to these user interfaces and resigns with relish to the long lost possibility of reducing data volumes or preventing their misuse. With HOT MESS, we explore the remaining possibilities to untangle the depths of our devices layer by layer until the coolers eventually overheat and what we call reality finally collapses productively. Because: Technology is not neutral and only a feminist AI can save us.
A commissioned work by HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin).
Production: dgtl fmnsm & HAU Hebbel am Ufer.
Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Berlin) as part of the festival "Spy on Me #2 - Artistic Maneuvers for the Digital Present", a festival of the HAU Hebbel am Ufer.
Tadleeh is supported by SHAPE platform, which is co-funded by the CREATIVE EUROPE programme of the European Union.
Workspace: Center For Speculation in cooperation with Professorship "Art Media Education", Institute for Art & Art Theory, University of Cologne